Firstly the activities in the server has been very poor for 2weeks(including last week and this week),seems very deserted at most times(its not lively and happening as it was before), even if you guys noticed,the players is greatly reduced already.Not only i should mention about this,lately i dont know when this started, what nonsense is with those lag and hang issue? I've read some posts and topics by the other players, and what? the GM's in this server doesnt seem to bother to even reply to tell/inform the players what's really going on? Well if that's really the case,im sorry to say the PLAYERS will not bother to log in and play because the lag/hang is damn annoying,and who knows some of them might just quit(because of bad reception/responce).
So GM's, what ya guys gonna do about it?(maybe its time to change the server description at the EnjoyRo home page.) LOL